How to Find a Gallery to Represent Your Artwork


A gallery is a space for displaying art. It can be part of an art museum, an individual artist’s studio or a commercial art business. Some galleries exhibit the work of a single artist, while others show the work of many different artists in one location. A gallery is also a space where art is available to purchase or rent.

A good way to find a gallery to represent your work is to visit their space. If possible, attend openings or other events to meet the staff and see how the gallery operates. This will give you a good idea of whether the gallery is a good fit for your work and how well the staff works with artists.

Galleries are often a vital link between the artist’s studio and the art market, and they can make or break an artist’s career. They are responsible for showcasing, promoting, and selling artworks while protecting the copyrights and trademarks of their clients. In addition, they provide valuable advice and expertise to their artists and make connections with buyers and the media.

Some galleries buy artwork from living or deceased artists and sell it at a profit to the public, which is called the primary market. Other galleries will buy art from collectors or at auctions and then sell it in their gallery, which is called the secondary market.

When a gallery buys an artist’s work, the artist must give them 40 percent of the sale price to cover their overhead and expenses. This can be a tough pill for some artists to swallow, but it’s important to remember that galleries need to make money as well. A successful gallery will help their artists develop a sustainable career and build their collector base.

If you are looking for a gallery to represent your work, keep in mind that they will likely want to see your portfolio before making a decision. This is a great reason to have a website with clear, high-resolution photos of your artwork. A good rule of thumb is to include images of 12 – 18 pieces, with the size and medium clearly marked on each image. It’s a good idea to have a professional artist resume and About the Artist page, too.

Some galleries will require an exclusive relationship with their artists, which means they will only display your work in their gallery. Others will sell your work on consignment, which is when you agree to pay a gallery for the rights to display and sell your work. This gives the gallery a percentage of the sale, and you can work with multiple galleries. Be sure to negotiate the terms of your agreement before signing. If you are unsure of the terms, it’s a good idea to get an attorney to review the contract. This will prevent any misunderstandings down the road.