What is art? Art is a human activity through which a person expresses or evokes a feeling in other people. It can be created through words, colors, or movement. The act of handing on one man’s feelings to another infects the receiver with the same feeling. There are many different kinds of art. Here are some of the more common types:
Art is valued by society for its capacity to evoke certain feelings or results. Ideally, it should depict expansive purposes and vivid experiences. On the other hand, instrumentalist art encourages its viewers to accept certain ideas. Both types of art have their place, and there are many styles and genres of art. The question is how do we define what art is? Listed below are some reasons for valuing art. Art is important! But why is it important?
In pre-written civilizations, art was used to convey religious beliefs and cultural myths. Egyptian tombs contain pictographs and Greek and Roman mosaic murals are examples of this. In Medieval and Renaissance times, art served as a way to transmit scripture. Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel and Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper are examples of how art has been used for this purpose. Despite its widespread use, art is not a substitute for literature or science.
Tolstoy’s definition of art fails on several levels. First, it fails to clarify the relationship between the artist and the observer. Tolstoy fails to explain why art has no pleasure, because no one else could see or perceive the work. Furthermore, it fails because there is no way to confirm that the artist’s feelings are true. As such, the artist must have at least a shared understanding with the observer before the creation of the art.
Second, art conveys feelings. It can be strong or weak. Good or bad. For example, a boy might be afraid of wolves and create an imaginary story of the encounter in order to evoke fear in others. A man can experience fear or the attraction of pleasure and express these emotions through a painting or a marble statue. Art is a way to express those feelings, even if they are not particularly pleasant. And it is a means to express feelings, and to express oneself.
Art has multiple definitions. While some people define art as the deliberate communication of a personal experience, the content of a work can determine its popularity, cultural context, significance, or triviality. The aim of art is to evoke emotion and provoke thought, allowing the viewer to engage with it on some level. Ultimately, art is a form of communication between the artist and the viewer. It allows a person to grasp the world in a different way.
Emotional impact of art. This effect is shareable. Art may not necessarily produce beautiful objects, but it arouses feelings that go beyond aesthetics. For example, Jackson Pollock’s famous action paintings were not merely doodles or egotistic thought. They were a combination of personal discovery and egotistic thought. The same holds true for modern artists like Andy Warhol. A person can’t possibly experience all the feelings of a work of art without its creator.