What Is a Museum?


A museum is a place that collects and displays artifacts of historical and cultural significance. Public museums often make these objects available for viewing to the public. These exhibits can be permanent or temporary. The purpose of a museum is to educate the public about a specific topic. These institutions are a great place to learn more about a culture or country.

Many people have different definitions of what a museum is. Some focus on displaying artifacts, while others actively engage with social issues. The International Council of Museums has a definition of a museum that emphasizes engagement with society. This definition is similar to the definition used by the Museum Association, but places more emphasis on the work a museum can do for the public.

Another benefit of visiting a museum is the fact that it helps people understand history. A museum allows people to learn about a culture’s history, its people, and its environment. In addition to preserving history, a museum also promotes social and political unity. Local museums are also good places to learn about the history and culture of a region.

The idea of a museum began in the Middle Ages. The British Museum Act of 1753 established an institution to collect artifacts, preserve collections, and display them to the public. In 1765, Denis Diderot wrote a detailed plan for a national museum in France. The result was a museum that resembles what we know today.

The new definition of a museum was unanimously approved by the International Council of Museums in Prague. More than 500 museums from around the world voted in favour of the definition, and the new definition is based on a more inclusive and accessible concept. It also incorporates issues of sustainability and ethics. The new definition is based on data collected during Consultation 2 and 3.

Today’s museums are becoming increasingly immersive, social, and collaborative. Thanks to advances in technology, people can now access artifacts and exhibits online. Many museums offer digital trails, apps, and virtual reality experiences to help visitors navigate their museum experience. These technologies have made museums even more accessible to the public. In the near future, more museums will allow visitors to explore their collections and learn about their history.

Some cities are turning to museums to revitalize their economies. A recent example is Bilbao, Spain, which built the Guggenheim Bilbao to help revive its city. While the museum’s price was controversial, the project has reaped major financial rewards for the city. In 2015, it attracted 1.1 million visitors.