What exactly is a museum? A museum is a collection of items of historical, cultural, or artistic significance. It is typically housed in a building, but smaller museums may be located throughout a country. Most museums feature programs for a wide variety of audiences, from children to the general public. Public programs may include lectures by museum faculty or field experts, films, musical or dance performances, or technology demonstrations. Some museums are specialized to a particular region, such as an art museum focused on the local art scene.
In addition to promoting social and political unity, a museum can also create a strong sense of place, giving people a better understanding of their community’s history. Museums are also a great way to learn about a region’s past and present. They help people get a better understanding of their place, its history, and the people who live there. These are just some of the many benefits of a museum. No matter what kind of museum you visit, you’re sure to find something you enjoy!
Modern art museums often follow a chronological pattern of development. Early galleries exhibit Asian art, costumes, and European decorative arts. Visitors can also explore medieval and Renaissance art. There are also displays of musical instruments and antiquities from all over the ancient world. Contemporary art is also represented at these museums. No museum should be limited to one region. It’s important to explore the full breadth of a museum’s offerings before making a final decision.
The term “museum” is derived from the nine muses of classical Greece. The famed “Museion” in ancient Alexandria was more like a library than a display. However, scholars place the earliest museum in the 17th or 18th century Europe. In addition, ancient Rome had public squares for displaying statuary. Medieval churches displayed sacred objects, and traditional Japanese shrines hung small paintings to attract good luck.
ICOM’s definition of a museum has faced a difficult road. A committee led by a Danish museum director is attempting to develop a universal definition of a museum. However, the committee has made little progress. In June, the French branch of ICOM held a meeting on the definition. During that meeting, French members reaffirmed their opposition to the new definition, citing political concerns and authoritarian nations. Ultimately, the committee resigned from the ICOM after receiving the results of their work.
The new ICOM museum definition has been shaped from the results of consultations conducted by the Standing Committee on the Definition of a Museum. The new process will use four rounds of consultation and eleven steps, culminating at the next ICOM General Conference in 2022. As of now, this process is expected to take around 18 months, beginning December 10, 2020 and ending in early May 2022. The time frame may vary, however, as circumstances warrant. And it is important to note that this process is not a definitive definition of a museum.
The definition of a museum can vary greatly depending on the organization’s purpose. While most organizations have a general definition of a museum, the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) has specific standards and best practices for the management of a museum. For example, the ICM focuses on the work of museums and the contribution they make to society. And the ICM identifies six core goals for a museum: