How to Find a Gallery to Show Your Art


A gallery is a space where art works are shown. It is often a part of a museum or can be an independent art space. Some galleries are very well established, and have a reputation for being high quality and selling work by top artists. Others are less established and have a smaller selection of works. Either way, a gallery is a place where many people visit to see the art.

Many young artists, especially those with degrees in fine arts, dream of finding a place to exhibit their work. However, finding a good gallery is not easy. There are millions of galleries out there, but only a small percentage will be a good fit for you.

Most galleries accept submissions from artists, and you can contact them to submit your portfolio for review. Most galleries have specific guidelines and requirements, so make sure you do your research before sending in your submission. You can usually find this information on the gallery website, and many galleries have an ‘artist submissions’ page.

Galleries collaborate with artists by agreeing to showcase, promote, and sell their artworks. In exchange, the artist shares a portion of the sales revenue with the gallery. This helps the gallery to earn a profit and build up its reputation. It also enables the artists to grow their collectors base and art resume. It is important for the artist to be clear about the working relationship with a gallery so that there are no misconceptions about how much money the gallery will make from the sale of their work.

The gallery will look for other exhibition opportunities for its artists beyond its own space, and it may take care of or follow up on the possibility of a monograph being published on the artist’s work. The gallery may also do research on the historical background of an artist, and seek out potential funding or grant opportunities for the artist.

Getting representation in a gallery can be difficult, and the most successful art galleries are often heavily inundated with submissions from hopeful artists. So if you are serious about finding a gallery, do your homework, and be patient. If you are persistent and respectful, it is likely that a gallery will be interested in your work and will want to work with you. Be ready to talk about your art, and be clear about the themes that you are exploring. If you are unsure of what to say, you can practice with friends and colleagues beforehand. It’s best to keep the conversation simple and to the point, as gallery owners are busy people.