How to Get Represented by a Gallery

A gallery is a place where art is displayed for sale. It can also be a non-profit organization which gives artists a chance to exhibit their work and gain recognition. It can also be a space that provides education and hands-on art-making activities for the public. Galleries are a crucial element for the success of many artists. Getting represented by one can be the first step for any new artist to get their work into the world and start making sales.

Galleries are primarily in the business of selling artwork. They have a lot of power in the art world and are well-connected to collectors, journalists and other galleries. Their job is to connect buyers and artists and bring together the right people at the right time.

They choose artists to represent and then market their work to prospective clients, collectors and museums. This is not an easy job, and the gallery has to balance its own financial interests with the long-term goals of the artist. In order to be successful, a gallery must carefully select its artists and keep them happy and motivated.

Galleries may choose to represent an artist based on their reputation or on the recommendation of someone else. However, according to most of the gallerists interviewed by Artsy, the primary way that they choose artists is through relationships. This means that a gallerist knows the work of an artist or met them first through an introduction from a client, friend or colleague. When a gallery is selecting new artists, it will usually look at the artist’s website and if they have one, their social media accounts. They will also look at upcoming exhibitions and past shows. They will also read the artist’s biographies on their websites and learn about their background.

The first thing that any artist should do before submitting work to a gallery is find out what their submission policies are. The best way to do this is to visit their website and look for a page that says something about submissions. If there is no such page, then look for the gallerist’s name and contact information on the website and call or email them directly.

When applying to a gallery, make sure to write an engaging and concise email. Galleries are short-staffed and often receive a large number of applications so it’s important to stand out from the crowd. It is best to reach the highest person in the gallery that you can (a decision maker), rather than an assistant.

Once you have submitted your application to a few galleries, be patient. You will probably hear back from some and not from others. If you do not hear back, don’t worry; it is normal and it does not mean that they do not want to work with you. However, if you do hear back from a gallery, take the time to discuss what your expectations would be for working together. It is important to have a clear understanding of what is expected in terms of time, effort and money before signing any contracts.