How to Get Represented by a Gallery

A gallery is a place where art is displayed and often sold. A gallery can be one room or an entire building devoted to art.

An artist who wants to be represented by a gallery will submit a portfolio to the gallery. The gallery will then review the portfolio and make a decision on whether or not to represent the artist. Then the gallery will contact the artist to let him or her know the decision.

Gallery representation is a partnership between the gallery and artist, where the gallery agrees to promote, sell, and distribute the artwork for the artists. In return, the gallery takes a percentage of each sale, which helps the artist make a living and build his or her collector base, resume, and career.

If an artist is unable to sell enough work to cover the expenses of an exhibition, the gallery will sometimes take on the cost of producing the show in order to make a profit. This includes buying prints and frames, renting the space, hiring security, lighting and other technical personnel, and supplying drinks during the opening. The gallery also may cover the costs of transporting the artwork to and from the gallery.

It is important for an artist to research the past and current exhibitions of galleries he or she is interested in working with. This way, the artist can see if his or her work fits in with the style and themes that are usually displayed at the gallery. It is also helpful for the artist to see if there is a curator or director at the gallery who has a particular interest in or knowledge of his or her work.

Using email to submit to galleries is common, but it’s important to send each gallery only one submission at a time. Doing otherwise makes you look like an unwanted salesperson. It’s also inappropriate to name-drop in an email.

When submitting to a gallery, the artist should use professional-sounding email addresses and write a short introduction of his or her work. Then he or she should attach the portfolio to the email and include contact information.

Often, a gallery will have a specific type of art it wants to feature in an upcoming exhibition or in its permanent collection. This can be a particular medium, style, or theme. If a photographer’s work is in keeping with the gallery’s aesthetic, it is likely that the gallery will accept his or her submission. The gallery will then invite the artist to the exhibition and help promote it. The gallery will also work with the artist on future exhibition opportunities. This may include showcasing the artist at other art fairs or institutional shows. The gallery will also work on book publishing and other projects that benefit the artist. It can even find other venues to showcase the artist’s work, such as newspapers or online platforms. Lastly, the gallery will look for press relations opportunities to promote its artists.